Friday, April 1, 2011

Back from extended spring break, with new ideas

Just got back from break (I'll talk about it later this week) and have a new idea for a challenge to put myself through.
Write at least three short stories a week using these photos as prompts.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Political Film Review: Promises

The first seeds of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were sown so long ago that very few know when it actually started. Everybody has different opinions on who started the fighting, who's fault it is, and when things took a turn for the worse. 100 different turning points, and two clear sides. Two nations promised a homeland, each with their own rightful claim, wishing for freedom and safety and peace. The film Promises follows seven children born and raised in the center of this conflict. Moishe, Shlomo, and the twins Daniel and Yarko are Jews living in Israel. Mahmoud is an Arab Israeli living in the Palestinian quarter of Jerusalem. Sanabel and Faraj both live in the occupied Palestinian territories. They are all less than twenty minutes away from each other. Director BZ Goldberg interviewed the children about their lives, and how the conflict affected them and their families personally. They told stories of fear, pain, and hatred all beyond their years, but also of joy and hope for a peaceful future. B.Z. got the kids to meet, and they learned important lessons about how they really weren't all that different from each other after all. 
Promises is a wonderful movie that shows that even in the most desperate of situations, human emotions survive, and perhaps there is still a chance to prevail if only more people from all viewpoints would sit down and get to know their neighbors.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How is a hipster like a furry?

Ahaha, hipsters. I'm somewhere in between enamored with and disgusted by them. On one hand, I'm an ironic little bastard and enjoy a lot of so-called 'hipster fashion'. I take great pride in enjoying things 'before they were cool'. But at the same time, there's something so snotty and eleitist about hipsters that I just can't get around. It's probably partially the whole skinny-white-priveledged people thing irritating me in part.
I wish there was a good way of describing my position on hipsters other than "well, I'm kinda a hipster, but I don't approve of cultural appropriation, and I'm learning to be an activist, so I don't really fit under the hipster flag of apathy, so what am I?"

I see one big similarity between hipsters and furries. Both seem obsessed with being different. I mean, I get it. I totally do. I love believing that I'm a special snowflake, but really, what's so wrong with being like somebody else? What's wrong with being ordinary? Why do you have to be a dragon/fox/calico cat hybrid with laser eyes and five tails?
And if furries are like hipsters, and can't stand anything mainstream, what will happen to all the furries of today if furry ever goes totally mainstream? People are already freaking out about it because hot topic sells shitty merchandise that could be considered furry like those cat ear hats. What happens if furry becomes cool? Will the original furries continue to be so, or will they go on to something else so they can remain different?

Spring break!

Ok, so I need some ideas for things to do over break. I'm considering finishing up my tail (finally) and decorating my bedroom tomorrow, then hanging out with the boyfriend. Monday, lets see. No idea. I'm so tired of doing the same old things over and over again, but I dont wanna just go and randomly start up a new hobby because that usually leads to quick burnout. I think I could have some success with creating a comic for stumptown, but it takes a crapton of self-discipline. I have a few ideas. One idea is a set of fables based off of real life experiences I've had with people, some of whom were unpleasant, others of whom were just foolish. For instance: The cat who loved nothing more than her own reflection, the fox who couldn't choose which rabbit to chase and ended up going hungry when they both escaped, the squirrel who taunted the chained dog until one day it escaped, and the bear who hibernated all winter and then complained that it was already springtime.
Another idea is to record the epic fail journey I went on the other day, where I got lost and walked 30 blocks that I didn't have to.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Furry film review: The Tenth Kingdom

The Tenth Kingdom has been one of my favorite films since my cousins gave it to me for my birthday many years ago, but it's so long that I haven't been able to watch it in years. It runs six or seven hours in its entirety as it was originally shown as a miniseries. Recently though, I got really sick. I mean, nose running like a faucet so you have to blow it until its so raw it starts bleeding and your ears are stuffed up and you feel like you're dying sick. So my little sister and I sat on the couch and watched the whole damn thing from beginning to end. It took us three days.
The story starts out with Virginia, a regular girl who lives in New York City running into the prince of a fairytale kingdom who was trapped in the body of a dog by his evil stepmother. Following him through a transdimensional portal in a magic mirror are three trolls and a wolf named, well, Wolf. She and her father have to take the prince back home and help him reclaim his body and take his righful place on the throne. But before they can even leave New York through the portal, Wolf falls in love with Virginia (I always knew they were meant to be ever since I realised their names combined to be Virginia Wolf). He tries to woo her, but is conflicted as he's supposed to be working for a woman who would want her dead. The four go into the land of fairy tales with the trio of trolls close behind. Many exciting adventures follow as they go across the countryside of the fourth kingdom trying to get Prince to safety and the New Yorkers home.
Many would dismiss this as a furry movie because there aren't any traditionally furry characters. But I believe it is, because while there isn't anybody with an anthro shaped body, it still pertains to anthropomorphic interests. There are two animal personalities in human bodies (which may be interpreted as more therian than furry actually), one of which is my beloved Wolf who I had a terrible crush on in middle school. There's also Prince Wendall, the smart-alec prince in a Golden Retriever's body. The best preformances were by the animal characters, and the other dog-in-a-man's body was hilarious. The movie is kinda campy at times, but great fun, and I recommend you all see it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

soooo sick of essays

This morning to work on my essay I printed it all out, got a pair of scissors and tape. The scissors were extra difficult to use because they were gummied up by old glue between the blades, and thus the lines i cut were very poor. However, I managed to snip the pages up like a puzzle and rearrange them in a different order, making an entirely new image. My new paper seems a lot more fur-positive, and is a lot more interesting. I'm so proud of myself, and so ready to be done.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

this is why i deserve to have my fingers broken and never write again.

Hi loyal reader! This is why i havent been posting much lately. Trying to write my term paper has been making me homicidal, and i can barely survive what a spiraling cesspool of shit it is. Starts out okay, quickly turns into a disgusting discussion of fursecution at the end. Kill me now.
Cultural Subgroup Investigation: The furry episode
Aiden Fiddler                                                                                                                                                                                            Period 3 The internet
When I was a little kid, my favorite film was The Lion King. I watched it over and over again, fascinated by the animation, the sheer breadth of time over which such an epic tale took place, the full-symphony orchestral musical numbers. And the characters, something about the lions in particular got to me. I found them just as believable as any human character, and twice as interesting.  Children often play pretend, and while I often would often play at being a character from a fairy tale, in my favorite games of pretend I was a lion. Prowling the Savannah with my family, we would go on countless adventures. But as with any child, my fantasies of grandeur were soon replaced with the reality of school, and forgotten about for a time.
 A few years later, I remembered the film I was obsessed with as a young child when I came upon a website dedicated to displaying art by fans of The Lion King. Most of the drawings were mediocre at best, but a few truly good artists did post on the site. Many of the pictures were of characters I didn’t know going on adventures that weren’t in the movies. A pale brown lion with a black streak in her fur was depicted many times in many different situations including hunting gazelle, climbing Pride Rock, and grooming a friend. Through a little digging, I discovered that she was an original creation of the artist, used to represent her as if she were an animal, to be a sort of alternate animal persona, or as the artist referred to it, a “fursona”. As I soon discovered, a majority of the characters displayed were the fursonas of some artist or another. Unknowingly, I had stumbled upon an internet lair of a group known as furries, a people who express themselves through anthropomorphic animal avatars. My knowledge of their society and customs would be limited for many years to come, but this interaction stuck with me, later causing a great deal of curiosity, prompting a cultural study of what sets these people apart in their interactions both online and in real life.
To find out about more about furry subuculture for this investigation, I employed many research tactics, including an in-depth study of emic works, better defined as those produced by members of the culture in question about their cultural experiences. I searched through hundreds of artworks, planned interviews to conduct with furries from a wide demographic, and attended multiple live podcast sessions, observing and interacting in the corresponding chat room while looking for common themes. I created a blog posting my musings and findings about furry culture, thus allowing any interested to create an honest dialogue with me, pointing out any misconceptions. As there are those in any subgroup on the internet whose sole interest is to post explicit material, I tended to conduct my searches with content blockers on moderate. I don’t expect this to interfere with my ability to gather accurate information on the furry subculture as these people tend to make up an extremely vocal minority.
Early in my research, I became curious about what draws furries to certain species for the totemic representation known as a fursona. In my research, I have learned that there are many reasons why furs choose to identify with the species they do. Some choose to identify with species that are powerful and feared, and some consider this to be a representation of a desire for control in their lives. They often chose a totem that accentuates either a desired trait they find themselves to be lacking, or something they are particularly proud of themselves for. Some go with species they find to be aesthetically pleasing, and often create imaginative hybrids with unusual colorations. Others, as I discovered when perusing through emic texts (those produced by members of the culture), take on the practice of a more spiritual totemic identification.  It should come as no surprise that people in today’s culture are interested in spiritual identification with animals. In the past, humans of all cultures used zoomorphic characteristics in their spiritual practices, some donning the skins of animals, some telling tales of animal characters learning moral lessons through trickster tales, or even transposing biblical tales with anthropomorphic characters taking important roles on, as per The Chronicles of Narnia. With so much of expressed spirituality coalescing around this idea, it makes sense that some would still find moral and religious guidance through the actions of animals. This form of “animal spirituality” (Carges, 2010) belongs to an overlapping but slightly different practice known as theiranthropy, coming from the roots therio, meaning animal, and anthropo meaning human. Therianthropy differs from the practices of the furry fandom in that furry is a culture on the internet built around self-expression through an animal avatar and therianthropy is a spiritual experience based on the concept that one is not entirely human, either having been reincarnated from an animal, or otherwise carrying an animal spirit in their body.
While conducting this research, I found myself finding more and more in common with the furry fandom. I have always been fascinated with anthropomorphic creatures, alternate forms of self expression, and interacting with people from around the globe from all walks of life. This honestly made my research quite a bit more difficult. I had a hard time thinking of things I wanted to know about furries the more I realized I had in common with them. What is there that the average person doesn’t understand about furries? I had to ask myself. The answer it turns out, is why somebody would want to be a furry. What do furries get out of their self-identification, if anything? (Shroeder 2011) The answer is, at least in my opinion, a fairly simple one. In our society, people are expected to grow up all too fast. It is natural for people to hang on to their childhood interests, and allow these interest to develop alongside themselves.
Imagine for instance the high school varsity quarterback. The best days of his life are spent on the football field. No matter how enjoyable the rest of his life may be, he will always look back on big games and talking with the cheerleaders with a great deal of fondness. Upon reaching the age where his body is no longer able to play football like in the ‘glory days’, he may either take up a new interest, grow into a deep depression over the loss of ability to participate in his past favorite activities, or immerse himself in nostalgic reminders of days gone by while continuing to develop healthy ways of expressing his interest. He may have old high school buddies over to watch the game on Sunday, or he may join a fantasy football league. It is not entirely uncommon for him to walk around wearing a football jersey emblazoned with the name of his favorite player and team.
Likewise, for many furries, childhood is looked back upon with longing. It’s natural for one to long for the days of simplistic social interaction and the safety of cuddly, friendly, anthropomorphic animal characters. Upon reaching puberty, many of her friends will reject the reminders of their past, and will trade the cartoons of yesterday for new interests like school dances and boy bands. That’s not to say however that the furry denies all oncoming signs of adulthood, she merely incorporates her childhood interests into her teenage and then adult life. While she used to watch Winnie the Pooh, she now draws characters of her own creation on adventures suited to her current experiences in life, and shares them with her likeminded friends. She may make friends on the internet who share her interests, thus allowing herself greater opportunity for self expression. And, much like the ex-football star, she may wear outfits that denote her ongoing interest in a pasttime of her youth. Such outfits may include teeshirts with animal characters on them, handmade animal tails and ears in the species of her choice, and in some cases, a fursuit.
A fursuit is exactly what it sounds like. It's a suit made of fur. Well, more accurately, a fursuit is what many furries wear to show the outside world the their identification wit htheir fursona. What a fursuit looks like is a football mascot costume, but with greater detail and a less terrifying face. It's a highly coveted status symbol by many furries, as getting a fursuit can be incredibly expensive due to the labor intensive process involved with making one. To see just what making a fursuit entailed, I looked at the webpages of several famous fursuit designers, including Beastcub, Matrices, and One fur all studios. While these names may not mean anything to the average american, amongst the furry fandom, they are revered as master craftspeople capable of designing and creating complex creations that most others could only dream of. While my personal sewing skills mean it takes me a weekend's concentrated effort to sew by hand a lopsided wolf's tail out of faux fur, these artizens manage to create entire costumes with articulating jaw joints, resin eyes, and pleather pawpads. For obvious reasons, the furry community is at large fascinated with the works of these fursuit designers. A while back, before beginning my reasearch, I was required to wear a mascot costume for my volunteer position, I was told that my efforts would be best put to use were i to wear a dinosaur costume and interact with small children, bringing a smile to their faces. I was excited to get to put on the costume, but apprehensive once I saw that it was essentially a poorly put together football mascot with large snarling teeth. However, once I climbed into the body and had assistance with putting the head into place, I felt like an entirely different person. I felt the urge to dance around and make kids smile, and even found myself waving exaggeratedly and acting giddy towards my coworkers in the breakroom. If wearing a poorly made costume for a character I had no identification with could be so fun, I understand what it is that drives many furries to desire owning a fursuit designed to look like their own fursona. It must be an incredibly freeing experience to walk around in an outfit that makes them instantaneously anonymous and famous. It drives complete strangers to interact with you in an entirely different way. Without the human face staring back at them, people truly seem to interact in a different way towards you. Some were cruel, pulling on the tail and trying to unzip the costume, but they were few and far between. Much more common was the mesmerized look of a child on the face of a teenager or adult. Spontaneous behavior seemed to be prompted by this cartoon character come to life. I got hugged so hard I thought I might not be able to breathe, flirted with by teenagers trying to figure out if I was a boy or a girl, and swept into a surprise polka by a middle aged man. Wearing a fursuit is for many, removes the masks they have to wear in their daily lives and allows them to express themselves more freely, and at the same time allows strangers to interact with them in a more genuine manner to who they truly are.
However, not all furries are interested in fursuits, and a somewhat vocal minority seems opposed to the use of fursuits in general. THis may be in part becuase of the public stigma associated with fursuit wearers and by proxy furries in general that is at times perpetuated by the media. Furries are often either portrayed as socially reperessed freaks at best, or costume fetishists and practicioners of bestiality at worst. Examples of this stigma in the media include the CSI: Los Vegas episode commonly discussed in the fandom, Fur and Loathing in Los Vegas. This episode takes place at a fictional furry convention in LA, where dectectives enter the scene to try and solve the murder of one fursuiter known in the community as "Rocky Raccoon". Upon entering the convention, more than seventy percent of the conventioners are wearing fursuits, which should be an immediate clue that this is not an entirely factual representatiion as only x% of furries actually own fursuits, with x% showing interest in owning one were they to have the money. The furries are shown as cultlike, wandering around aimlessly, a glazed over look in the eyes of the few not wearing costumes. CITE. With such a large amount of time spent on percieved negatives of the fandom and little done to redeem it in the eyes of viewers, it's not surprising that many furs reject fursuiters in general for fear of being connected to the image portrayed in CSI.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Been awhile!

I've been busy lately, and have to say that I havent been motivated to post. If blogging isnt goin to be fun, I shouldnt be doing it. So perhaps what I need to do is start writing more of what I want. Fiddler's Corner is going to expand its scope beyond analytical peices about phenomenon in the fandom. I'm interested in talking not only about what it like for me being a furry and researching furries, but also about other things that interest me. I might do a post or two about my social life, about BD/SM, about improving my art skills. I'm most likely going to try to write some short stories and post them here, mainly ones with anthro characters.
In addition, hwen I get bored of doing something, I'm going to change my focus.
Look forward to a new, more flexible and energised Fiddler's Corner!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tentative introduction to my paper.

Here is where I’m going to write some type of compelling introduction about the fandom.

My favorite film is The Lion King. When I was younger, I could have watched it over and over again, completely mesmerized by the artistry of the animation, the sheer breadth of time over which such an epic tale took place, the full-symphony orchestral musical numbers. And the characters, something about the lions in particular got to me. I found them just as believable as any human character, and twice as interesting.  As fervently as my peers would have insisted they were princesses, dressing up like Cinderella or Princess Jasmine, I would play pretend too, in my own way. While I would on occasion dress in my mother’s shiny sequined disco dress from decades before and play at being Esmerelda, Princess of the Gypsies, in my favorite games of pretend I was a lion. Prowling the Savannah with my family, we would go on countless adventures. But as with any child, my fantasies of grandeur were soon replaced with the reality of school, and forgotten about for a time. We all forget our dreams, but only a few learn to gain them back.
Several years later, I found again my childhood interest. Surfing the internet one day, I came upon a website dedicated to displaying art by fans of The Lion King. Most of the drawings were mediocre at best, but a few truly good artists did post on the site. Many of the pictures were of characters I didn’t know going on adventures that weren’t in the movies. A pale brown lion with a black streak in her fur was depicted many times in many different situations including hunting gazelle, climbing Pride Rock, and grooming a friend. Through a little digging, I discovered that she was an original creation of the artist, used to represent her as if she were an animal, to be a sort of alternate animal persona, or as the artist referred to it, a fursona. As I soon discovered, a majority of the characters displayed were the fursonas of some artist or another. Unknowingly, I had stumbled upon an internet lair of a group of social pariahs known as furries, a people who express themselves through anthropomorphic animal avatars. My knowledge of their society and customs would be limited for many years to come, but this interaction was a mere foreshadowing of my later interactions with the furry community, a community I would someday discover myself to have more in common with then I once expected.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What makes me me?

I've had writers block the past several days, so I asked my mate for help coming up with a prompt for this latest post. He asked me to describe how i got into the furry fandom. Really, a better question would be: How would anybody not expect me to have joined the furry fandom earlier.
As a little kid, my favorite movie was the Lion King. My favorite book was Warriors, and I cried when the wolves got shot in Julie of the Wolves. I had a wolf plushie I adored, and ran around howling, and pretend to be characters from my favorite anthropomorphic series. What else does that lead to?
While a highly kinky individual, the sexuality involved in furry doesnt attract me so much as the freedom of expression. I like the idea of being able to find a new way of explaining who i am to the world around me, and that's what it's about to me. I hope that by expressing myself better, I can find a way to understand myself bettter, and I'm just rambling.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A new democracy

Furry has gained a foothold in our culture today, and I don't think members of the fandom are aware of the power we truly hold. Anthropomorphic animal characters are everywhere, and pretty much anybody with access to the internet and the curiosity to go exploring past homework resources knows what a furry is. Sure, most of them think it's a fandom comprised solely of lonely gay 35 year old plushophiles, but they know furry when they see it. This gives us the ability to brand ourselves. What we have is visibility. What we have is a young community and a public curious to see where we go. What we don't have is leadership. Traditionally,  those who are in positions of power in communities are those who have years of experience racked up. Some of them continue to contribute viable opinions to their community and earn their position, others, I can only assume, do not.
What I see happening today in the furry community is a break from the old, traditional societal norms of a hierarchy. With all of the free space to express our opinions, anybody can say what they want, and the community at large will discover it and each individual will pass their own judgement, either accepting or rejecting the ideals of the speaker. This means each one of us has the potential to shape our community. Democracy through anarchy. This way, we are creating a new society with new standards chosen and approved by the people instead of some group of elders. A society where the creation of ideas and messages to share is the prime currency. So I say to my fellow furs, create conscientiously. Create with the knowledge that whatever you put out there could change the face of this community as we know it. After all, it all started with a small group, with an idea created in one person's mind. Any one person's mind could have the next revolutionary idea in the furry community. We are small enough that any one of us can still make all the difference.

A community run by you. Liberating and scary, no?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Costuming projects out the wazoo

Ok, so I've been in a quite crafty mood lately, so I'm working on designing several projects for the next anime convention in my hometown (unfortunately there aren't any furry cons I know of within the city limits, so my ability to go to those relies on my getting a driver's license). I plan on keeping track of my progress here, and maybe uploading photos of the finished results of my work.

I am currently working on:

  • A very cute wolf tail. It's about two to three feet long and has a slight s-shaped curve in the pattern to hopefully avoid it hanging there looking totally dead. I don't think I'm going to use wire armature for this one. If I like it, I'm going to keep it. If I'm not sufficiently pleased with the results, I'll probably sell it to a friend who's not such a perfectionist for $5, just enough to cover the expenses in faux-fur at an extreme markdown. I was lucky enough to go into Joann fabrics when they had 7/8 of a yard left of the grey fur I wanted. When they have less than a yard, they sell it to you at a 50% discount.
I have not started but am planning on making:
  • A cat tail for my friend. Also grey material, possibly painting on black stripes with a toothbrush. I hope he decides to pay me for it, but if he doesn't, I'll survive. I hope to get good enough to actually make an income off of fursuit and art commissions someday, seeing as I'm not set out for a high-paying desk job.
  • Two pairs of ears: One set of wolf ears for myself, and one set of cat ears with black tips for my friend.
  • A Robot Unicorn Attack head out of poster board or plastic sheets if I can get my hands on them. I'm going to look at the pattern here of a boba-fett helmet, and figure out how to make a similar pattern shaped like an equine head. I like what beastcub did here, but plan on going in an entirely different direction. I like suit heads a good deal smaller on partials, and am going to go for a sleeker design without the faux fur mane. If I do a mane, it will be a much thinner and more flowing material.
  • Elf ears for my love, using a latex mold or somesuch. LOTR costuming sites should help me a great deal here. 
  • A wolf head eventually, but I'm awfully scared to do this one as the materials are expensive and I don't have a lot of experience making heads of any type.
Things I'd like to make but probably won't because of skill and time constraints:
  • A Captian Malcom Reynolds browncoat large enough to wear with my partial wolfsuit. The main challenge will be figuring out how to make room for a tail without messing with the original duster design too much.
  • An entirely seperate brown Dr. Who coat, but I could use the same one as the Captain Mal one if I make it. Combining it with the proper outfit, as I've been told I look a bit like David Tennant. (if David Tennant was an FTM teenager with a really bad haircut)
  • I'd like to help my boyfriend make his Dalek suit because holy crap yes, nerdy couples costumes for the win. He's going to probably be helping me a shitton with sewing because I suck at it.
  • A Kahjiit fursuit to wear next year for the release of the next in the series that brought us Oblivion. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. So psyched.
  • A lemur fursuit. Just because. This one will probably never happen, but I've seen some cool ones and think it could be fun.
Holy crap, looking at what I've just written, I have a feeling I'm probably only ever going to do maybe the tails and ears, and possibly the suit heads if I'm feeling brave. This should be enough to keep me busy for, oh, forever. If I ever get any of these done, expect followup posts.
Later on, I think I'll post a list of all of the art projects I want to do that aren't involving costumes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wolves: I went generic-furry because I was too cheap for a prescription brand.

When I began my investigation into the furry fandom, I threw around several ideas of what my fursona should be. Some were more creative than others. I seriously have about twenty possibilities floating around in my head ranging from coati to caracal.

Some of these I was interested in solely because I wanted desperately to be original. I mean, who could doubt that I was creative if I walked into a forum with a badass honey badger as my avatar? I'd be respected and admired by all I met, just for having such a kickass dangerous animal for my 'sona.

Of course, I wasn't going off of what animals I found asthetically pleasing, so I considered some more attractive beasts, like the banded linsang. Sleek, smooth and lanky with cheetah stripes and long tail, a linnie fur would be quite the charmer. Of course, it failed the most important criterion for a fursona. I didn't identify with it. There are a few animals I identify with closely.

Some are more totems, for instance the caracal is a symbol of my spirituality, as is the Ibizan hound. I could never picture myself being a caracal though. It just doesn't fit me. A housecat on the other hand, perhaps. Or a horse. And then a creeping suspicion hit me. Perhaps, I'd be best identified as a wolf.

When I was a little boy I'd run around my room shirtless howling at the top of my lungs, and the desire to howl when I feel strong emotion still follows me to this day. I can get quite snappish when hungry or tired, feeling the urge to growl and bare my teeth. I am hyperactive, have astute hearing, and like chasing squirrels and birds. I am loyal to a fault, and strongly identify with the canine social structure. I love to cuddle with those I consider inside my pack, and am often annoyingly close with them, not considering personal space to be a nescessity, but am often either standoffish or overly enthusiastic with strangers. All of these factors suggest to me a canine personality, but I feel a deeper connection to nature than I imagine a domesticated dog would. As such, I like to consider myself a wolf, or a wolf-dog hybrid.

I know many are of the belief that wolf furries are not very creative, choosing a popular species for lack of imagination or introspection, but for me at the very least, a wolf just happens to be who I am at this point in my life. Maybe it will change someday, and my desire to create a Kahjiit fursuit (the felid race from Oblivion) will have some purpose. Or perhaps I'm destined to remain a proud Canis lupus forever. I don't care. I don't have to prove myself to anyone, and if they say that wolves are too generic, I can just wag my tail and laugh.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preparing for a scholarly discussion of fandom

Schoolwork's really been getting to me lately. I couldn't decide on a good topic for my research paper, until it occured to me that furries would be a good topic to research. It's going to be difficult though. Scanning through magazine articles on fursuit construction, and scholarly interpretations of anthropomorphism and social impacts of an internet-based society, looking for visuals to analyze, sifting through forums, and listening to furcast for a primary source, it's a hard life! The tentative title as to be presented to my writing professor is "Cultural revitalization through zoomorphic self expression in internet subcultures, an analysis."
Of course, I'll also have to interview furries, now where could I find some of those?
My only concern about writing this paper is attracting the wrath of those in the fandom who don't approve of any analysis of the fandom that isn't exactly how they want to be represented. And I plan on writing an honest one, not discussing fandom sexuality in detail, but acknowledging its existance. If I cared what the burned furs or other judgemental groups said, I would be screwed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Calculus is a drug

So typically I write about furry related stuff on this blog but today I'm going to go with a rant instead.
You know how people act when they're high? I did a four hour calculus study session with a group at one of my friend's houses, and by the end of it our brains were fried so bad, we were acting like we were on drugs. So many drugs it wasnt even funny. I guess implicit differentiation gives you a pretty good trip, because I was rolling on the floor, nomming on people and dogs, and generically freaking out. And it wasn't just me, my friends were doing it too. We watched the trollolo video, and I freaked out. Then my mom came and picked me up, and I started to calm down. After dinner, I signed up for secondlife because my old account was distroyed after i didnt log in forever. (Aha, there's the furry angle, I knew I could find one somewhere!) I haven't really tried it out yet, but I'll let y'all know what I think. Sofar, my impressions are that it takes a ridiculously long time to load the images, and it's not that great, but maybe if I set the graphic settings lower I'll be able to see whats going on around me. My favorite game with anthro characters will remain Oblivion though. The Kahjiit are just too cool. I should review that game some time.

The next post will probably be after Furcast on Saturday, seeing as I may be out late tomorrow evening. Until then, rest well and have a good time!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Socialization is fun, but hard

I've been a busy wolfie the past few days, but here's a go at a new post.
I've been making an effort to connect with other local furs lately, and having some success. Havent met anybody new, but I've been spending more time with one of my friends and her boyfriend (the ones who introduced me to furcast, thus getting me to feel better about my furryness) because they are people I feel positive around, and like I don't have to hide this part of myself. And the great part is, we're planning a furmeet with some local furs. The not so great part is that we have no real idea what to do at said meet. Has anybody in the audience been to a meetup with any sort of fandom? What kind of stuff is good to do when meeting new furs for the first time? I'm a little bad at the whole socializing with new people thing as Ive had basically the same friends for 4 years now.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New friend!

I think I may have met another furry today at work, and while I'm not sure, I am pretty sure I met a new friend. I won't post her name here, but suffice it to say she's a lot like me in that she likes PC gaming, and she seems like a really fun person. She told me she reads a lot of books about dragons, and that's what tipped me off that she may be into the fandom a bit. So to test the waters, I mentioned that I always play as an anthro character when theres that option in videogames (I play a Kahjiit in Oblivion, and am considering making her a secondary, female fursona), and she said she does the same. Because really, who wants to play as a human? Humans are... meh.

That made me happy. Whether or not she's actually in fandom, she seems like a cool person and someone I could be friends with.

Pointless point is pointless, but I feel the need to stay in the habit of posting.